

  Spring is the time of the year when nature wakes up to life. Trees and flowers bloom and millions of scents and pollens are released in the air. For this reason patients with allergies experience in spring respiratory discomfort, nasal congestion, teary and itchy eyes. In cases...

Treatment Options in Fatty Liver

NAFDL, or non alcoholic fatty disease of the liver, affects one fourth of the US population. A  small proportion of these patient develop NASH, or non alcoholic steato hepatitis, which can progress to liver cirrhosis and even liver related death. NAFDL is often associated with metabolic...

PURE Healthy Diet Score

The PURE Healthy Diet Score is a diet score which was created to predict the survival rate and the incidence of heart attack and stroke. The researchers developed it based on the data from PURE, a large, international study. The study showed that the optimal diet...

Language Difficulties and Alzheimer’s – Aphasia

[caption id="attachment_8993" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Original abstract oil painting on canvas.Modern impressionism[/caption] Alzheimer's label is the pervasive memory loss. Alzheimer' s does not affect only the memory. In some patients it can also affect the language and the ability to speak, write and understand words. The symptom is...