Treatment Options in Fatty Liver

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Treatment Options in Fatty Liver

NAFDL, or non alcoholic fatty disease of the liver, affects one fourth of the US population. A  small proportion of these patient develop NASH, or non alcoholic steato hepatitis, which can progress to liver cirrhosis and even liver related death.

NAFDL is often associated with metabolic syndrome ie: hypertension, obesity, diabetes and high lipids.

The best way to treat NASH is to prevent and treat NAFDL.

Insulin resistance should be treated with insulin sensitisers, high lipids should be treated with lipid lowering medications, and patients with HTN and diabetes should receive blood pressure lowering medications.

Novel treatments include inhibitors of intestinal bacterial overgrowth like oligofructose from bananas, onions and garlic, which decrease the production of inflammation factors.

Antioxidants like vitamin E and Fish Oil play also an important role in prevention.

In conclusion, there is no dedicated treatment for NAFDL and NASH. Prevention should be the key in the treatment of these conditions.

Oxana Popescu MD

. 2010 Mar; 3(2): 121–137.

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